Stranger Things by Duffer Brothers series review

Netflix’s era-defining show has returned, larger, darker, and more vicious than ever. Stranger Things Season 4 is without a doubt the franchise’s most daring and terrifying installment to date.

With an unprecedented scope, a thorough storyline with more depth and content, and unrivaled graphics, this Netflix sensation is impressively crafted and unapologetically disturbing.

The oversized episodes provide a deeper understanding of the plot, which has broadened out to include a wide range of compelling and significant tales. The “scattered” narrative thread contributed to the creation of an extremely addictive and engaging ambiance in which horror, sci-fi, and humor interact in ways never seen before.

The ensemble is larger than ever before, with old and new characters cleverly presented inside this new environment, and each playing a role in the great entangled web that is the tale. Millie Bobby Brown is the undisputed queen of the show. Her seamless performance and mannerisms are perfection. The rest of the Hawkins Gang were also undeniably mind-blowing, with each member stepping up to provide beautiful, credible, and outstanding performances.

Stranger Things 4 is aesthetically stunning. Everything has grown in size. The horrifying special effects, nostalgic and drama-inducing soundtrack, and the unsettling psychological depth of the tale were all required to create such a massive season of epic and cosmic proportions.

This is how a comeback is made. And that is how you create a timeless genre-bending, mind-bending show.

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