Elite series by Sierra de Guadarrama Review

The cast of Elite is back for yet another season of secrecy, mystery, and drama!!!
Following the footsteps of its predecessors, the 4th season of this very popular Spanish soap had a intensely complex web-like narrative engineered with an exceptional hand of mislead and ambiguity.

The numerous storylines following the show’s diverse characters were luxurious, contemplative, and saturated with essential social and political messages. However, the prolonged focus on few secondary subplots was avoidable as it added absolutely no value in return.

The introduction of the new characters was timed perfectly. They filled the show with a much-needed sense of originality and magnified the stakes for everyone. Their overall evolution throughout the course of each episode, though predictable, was realistic and well-studied.

Newcomers Manu Rios, Carla Diaz, and Diego Martín alongside the original cast such as Georgina Amorós and Claudia Salas were simply breathtaking. Their commitment and authentic performances were seriously the highlight of this season. A perfectly chosen cast with undeniable charm and harmony.
Additionally, the exceptional cinematographic elements such as the peculiar camera techniques and the vivid color palette only added value and beauty to an already captivating story. Together they formed an exquisite ambiance that one cannot deny its effects.

Elite season 4 is but a continuation of an epic teenage tale of drama, pleasure, and deception. A fully entertaining season which everyone can enjoy!

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